Benedict, Chelsea - Ambridge Area School District

Benedict, Chelsea

Hello Ambridge Area School District Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

I would like to welcome you all to my page as Ms. Benedict, Ambridge Senior High School Counselor for grades 9 and 10! Please know, I am thinking of all our students and families at this time!  I understand this time is one of changes and uncertainty, but together we will continue to work as one team and pull through! As you know, I will be using this platform as a way to communicate with all of you important updates for grades 9 and 10 related to social/emotional, academic and college and career pathways under our School Counseling domain.  I am hopeful this page will provide you with information related to questions you may have for your student at this time.

As always, if you need to contact myself directly, I will be available via e-mail for any questions or concerns you or your student may have from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Monday through Thursday at  Please know, your questions and concerns are of our utmost importance, and I will work diligently to answer all your questions in a timely manner.  Please allow time to ensure I am addressing all your questions in collaboration with administration and teacher personal if applicable.

In addition to providing supports via e-mail, I will also be available for remote and virtual academic meetings via the on-line platform Zoom.  If requesting to speak directly via a conference call, please reach out via-email and I would be glad to set up a time and date for a virtual meeting to take place in order to address the needs of you and your student during the above timeframe.  Please again allow for several days of planning prior to the virtual Zoom meeting to ensure collaboration of team members can take place if applicable.

At this time, I am currently working on the following academic updates to be shared with all of you in the month of April:

  • Understanding Your PSAT 8/9 Scores and Connecting Scores to Khan Academy
  • Navigating CollegeBoard for the first time
  • Understanding the PSAT 10 and when the test will be re-scheduled via CollegeBoard

At this time, please know as a district we are all in this together! Please stay safe, and take care of each other during this time! Information for grades 9 and 10 will continue to be shared at this time.  General information for all families will also continue to be shared at – Counseling.  Again, please feel free to reach out via e-mail at any time with questions or concerns at

With warmest regards,

Ms. Benedict, School Counselor, Grades 9 and 10

Contact Info
  • 901 Duss Avenue
  • 724.266.2833