Superintendent of Schools
Pasquerilla, Joseph
Superintendent of Schools
Central Administration
Secretary to the Superintendent
June Mueller
724.266.2833 x1263
Dr. Joseph Pasquerilla is serving his fifth year at Ambridge Area School District as the Superintendent appoint on Wednesday, February 12, 2020. Dr. Pasquerilla previously worked in the Ambridge School District as the Assistant to the Superintendent and The Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment from 2009-2012.
Before returning to Ambridge, Pasquerilla served as the Superintendent of Schools for the Bethel Park School District, a position he held from July 2016 until joining Ambridge Area School District. Prior to that appointment, he worked as the Superintendent of the Northgate School District for 4 years.
He began his teaching career in the West Middlesex Area School District in 2003, where he taught High School Social Studies until 2008. Following, he was appointed Principal of Northway Elementary School in the North Hills School District.
Dr. Pasquerilla also served as an Adjunct Instructor of Government at Butler County Community College from 2006-2008.
He earned his Bachelor of Science in Education in 2002 from Youngstown State University; his Master of Science in Education in 2005 from Youngstown State University; and his Doctor of Education in April 2008 from the University of Pittsburgh. He earned his Superintendent’s Letter of Eligibility from Westminster College. He is currently a member of the Forum for Western Pennsylvania School Superintendents.
“Serving as the Superintendent of Ambridge Area School District is an honor and privilege. I sincerely look forward to meeting students, teachers, families, and community members that comprise this great District. I am sincerely committed to upholding the important role of Superintendent with steadfast commitment and dedication” said Pasquerilla.
“I pride myself on being extremely visible and encourage you to take advantage of my open door policy. I genuinely look forward to working with each of you as we build a longstanding partnership, working side-by-side to ensure that Ambridge Area is a great place to learn and grow”.
October 3, 2024
The Ambridge Area Board of Directors will evaluate the Superintendent in the following objective performance domains for the 2024-2025 school year:
District Operations and Financial Management: Superintendent manages effectively ensuring completion of activities associated with the budget; oversees the distribution and use of resources in the District; and directs a forward-thinking approach to District operational activities.
Student Growth and Achievement: Superintendent uses multiple data sources to assess student success and growth, as appropriate. Annual or other district performance objectives are articulated, measured and reported to the Board of School Directors relative to student growth and achievement on PDE-required assessments including, but not limited to, PSSA, PVAAS, Keystone Exams and other locally determined measures.
Organizational Leadership: Superintendent works collaboratively with the Board and with the Administration to develop a vision for the District. The Superintendent demonstrates an ability to identify and resolve problems affecting the organization, works collaboratively with the Administration to ensure best practices for instruction, supervision, curriculum development and management are being utilized, and works to influence the climate and culture of the District in a positive manner.
Professionalism: Superintendent continues to model professional decision-making processes and ethical standards consistent with the values of the Pennsylvania public education system and of the community.
The Board of School Directors assessed the Superintendent’s performance and determined that he met the agreed-to performance standards for the 2023-2024 school year.
August 10, 2022:
The evaluation of the District Superintendent is a critical responsibility of the Board of School Directors. The Performance Evaluation of Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Pasquerilla, was completed for the 2021-2022 school year and all performance standards were met. The evaluation was based on the assessment of performance standards in various areas, including District Operations and Financial Management, Student Growth and Achievement, Organizational Leadership, Professionalism.
Assistant Superintendent
Filipowski, Amy
Assistant Superintendent, Director of Special Education, Transportation Director, Title IX Coordinator, Safe2Say Primary Contact, Right-to-Know Open Records Officer, Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund (PSDLAF) Primary Contact
Assistant Superintendent
724.266.2833 x1219
Dr. Amy Filipowski is serving as the Assistant Superintendent of the Ambridge Area School District. Prior to joining Ambridge Area School District in 2022, Dr. Filipowski served the Pittsburgh Public Schools at the Executive Director for the Programs of Students with Exceptionalities the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Professional Development, and the Director of 6-12 Literacy and K-12 Library Services.
Before entering administration, Dr. Filipowski served as a Literacy Specialist and a Special Education Teacher for 9 years.
Dr. Filipowski also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Slippery Rock University and the University of Pittsburgh since 2014. In addition, she provides consultation to a variety of organizations focused on Special Education curriculum, assessments, teacher development, and IDEA laws and procedures.
She earned her Bachelor of Science in Education in 2002 from Carlow University; her Master of Arts in Educational Praxis in 2005 from Carlow University; and her Doctor of Education and Superintendent’s Letter of Eligibility in April 2020 from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Filipowski also holds Certificates in Curriculum Supervision, Principal K-12, Special Education Supervision, Special Education Teaching N-21, Mid-Level English, and Elementary K-6.
Dr. Filipowski current position of the Assistant Superintendent encompasses the following roles:
- Assistant Superintendent
- Director of Pupil Services and Special Education
- Director of Transportation
- Director of English as Second Language
- Enrollment and Registration
- Health Services
- Title IX Coordinator
- Safe2Say Primary Contact
- Right-to-Know Open Records Officer
Director of Business and Operations
Amadio, Michelle
Business Manager and Director of Operations
Business Office
724.266.2833 x1203
Mrs. Michelle Amadio was hired in November 2023
Coordinator of Curriculum
Watelet, Meghan
School Safety & Security Coordinator, Coordinator of Curriculum, Federal Programs Coordinator
Central Administration
724.266.2833 x2269
Dr. Watelet currently holds the position of Coordinator of Curriculum. Her role encompasses the following:
- Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Professional Development Coordinator
- Safety Coordinator
- Federal Programs Coordinator
Building Administration
Galitsis, Aphrodite
Economy Elementary School
724.266.2833 x6245
Hull, Stephanie
Highland Elementary School
724.266.2833 x7202
Hoover, Jo Ann
Principal, Homeless Liaison
State Street Elementary
724.266.2833 x4213
DiCaprio, David
Ambridge Area Middle School
724.266.2833 x3245