We would like to communicate the following High School Guidance Updates for the month of April 2022:
Summer Credit Recovery: Students who fail a required core course, including English, Math, Science and Social Studies, during their freshman, sophomore, junior or senior year are required to successfully make-up the course in a recognized credit recovery program at Ambridge Area School District to be eligible for receipt of a diploma and to participate in the future graduation ceremony.
If it is determined with the academic teacher of record that your student is in need of Summer Credit Recovery and has failed a core class, enrollment is now being accepted at Ambridge Area High School Guidance Office for the Summer Credit Recovery Program. Any student enrolling in the High School Summer Credit Recovery Program is required to register via the High School Guidance Office. Credit Recovery Brochures are available in the High School Guidance Office for Registration. We require all High School Summer Credit Recovery Brochures/Registrations be returned to the High School Guidance Office no later than Wednesday, June 8, 2022.
In order to plan accordingly, the Summer Credit Recovery Program will be offered on June 9, 2022 – June 22, 2022. All students are required to attend in-person the first day of Summer School, Thursday, June 9, 2022. Payment must be completed and paid in full on June 22, 2022 at the High School Guidance Office. All checks or money orders made payable to: Ambridge Area School District – Credit Recovery. Cash is also accepted. All information is enclosed in the Brochure.
Since a failing grade requires credit recovery and greatly decreases a student’s opportunity for successfully passing future classes and graduation requirements, we strongly suggest taking the following precautions as follows:
1. Speaking with the teacher directly to arrange after school tutoring from 2:30 – 3:00 and/or a time in advance to receive additional help in the subject area via virtual or in class.
2. Monitor and check Tyler for current academic progress and assignments daily and/or e-mail/speak to the teacher of record with any academic concerns or questions.
3. Reach out to the teacher of record directly to discuss any missing work, assignments and/or projects to be turned in and completed, and to establish clear deadlines.
4. Continue to actively maintain positive attendance and participation in the classroom during your virtual and/or scheduled day. It is encouraged the student ask questions if not understanding the material.
5. Arrange for a parent/teacher conference if there are continued academic concerns after speaking with the teacher of record for final grades.
At this time, we encourage your student to attend the approved credit recovery program to successfully complete graduation requirements as per the district if it is determined they have failed a core class for graduation. It is encouraged to contact the academic teacher of record directly for any academic questions or questions about their final grades by calling (724) 266 -2833 or visiting our website https://www.ambridge.k12.pa.us for a full faculty e-mail directory. You may also reach out to the High School Guidance Department at 724-266-2833, ext. 2377.
In order to plan accordingly, failure letters will continue to be delivered at the middle and end of each quarter from the High School Guidance Office to ensure all members involved in the student’s educational plans are aware of the current grades throughout the academic school year.
Advanced Placement Testing: Advanced Placement Testing will take place May 2, 2022 – May 13, 2022 at Ambridge Area High school. Please ensure your student receives adequate sleep and a good breakfast to prepare them for testing. A letter will be sent to all registered students with further testing information. A full directory of testing times and requirements can be found at: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/exam-administration-ordering-scores/exam-dates
Keystone Testing: Spring 2022: All across Pennsylvania students are required to participate in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment Keystone Exams. Keystone Exams are designed to measure student performance on the Pennsylvania Core Standards related to the categories of writing, listening, speaking, science, and mathematics.
In order to adhere to state and federal guidelines, any student enrolled in a Keystone trigger course including Algebra I, Biology and Literature English 10 Course during the 2021-2022 school year are required as per The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to complete the Keystone Exam during the Spring 2022 administration.
In order to comply with state, federal and PDE guidelines, any student that is currently in 9th, 10th or 11th grade that has completed an end of unit Pennsylvania System of School Assessment course are required to complete the Keystone Exam on the following listed days. Please note, dates may be subject to change due to the COVID-19 pandemic and PDE guidelines. In the event of closure, new test dates and information will be delivered and all students will receive their revised testing schedule and dates.
At this time, all students required to test in the Spring of 2022 will receive a letter with their corresponding highlighted exam on the specific below date in accordance to their scheduled day along with make-up sessions as needed. Please note all students via hybrid or remote will be required to attend in-person the day of their highlighted testing date as per PDE and Federal Law:
- Literature:
- 1. May 16, 2022
- 2. May 17, 2022
- 3. May 18, 2022
- Biology:
- 1. May 19, 2022
- 2. May 20, 2022
- 3. May 23, 2022
- Algebra I:
- 1. May 24, 2022
- 2. May 25, 2022
Annual Move-Up Day: On May 31, 2022, the Ambridge Area School District would like to welcome your student to the Annual School-Wide Move-Up Day at Ambridge Area High School. Prior to the Move-Up day, all 8th-11th grade students will receive their 2022-2023 Academic School Year schedule on May 31, 2022 during first period/homeroom at the High School.
On May 31, 2022, all students will have the opportunity to tour the High School and follow their 2022-2023 Academic schedule to ensure they have every opportunity to view and meet with their upcoming teachers and staff. This will also permit your student time to observe/participate in their 2022-2023 High School classrooms and meet with students in regards to future clubs and activities. A letter with information about the Move-Up day and all details will be forthcoming for all students/parents/guardians.
Scholarships: New Scholarships added! Please remember to continually check the Guidance page on the Ambridge Area School District website for scholarships. Please go to: www.ambridge.k12.pa.us – Services – Guidance and Counseling – Scholarship tab. New scholarships are added weekly, including all local and nationwide scholarships! For assistance applying to scholarships or any additional questions, please email Mrs. Gantz at mia.gantz@ambridge.k12.pa.us.
Caring Place: Grief Support: As a community resource, the Highmark Caring Place is available to grieving children and families free of charge. There is no cost to families for any Caring Place services, and does not depend on having insurance of any kind. The existence of the Highmark Caring Place reflects Highmark’s commitment to the needs of children and families in the communities it serves. Children and teens who are grieving the death of someone they love receive help at the Caring Place through peer support. The Caring Place allows children and teens to come together with others their age, and find that they are not alone in their grief. If you or someone you know is interested in the Caring Place and grief support, please contact: Shawn T. Sledzianowski, NCC, LPC, CT, School Services Coordinator and Child Grief Specialist: Highmark Caring Place – shawn.sledzianowski@highmark.com | 412.544.5799 Information is also available in the High School Guidance Office.
Western Pennsylvania Psychological Services: WPPC Counseling Services are offered via the Positive Steps Counseling Program for any student interested in counseling services during the school day at Ambridge Area High School. Students may enroll with parent/guardian permission for individual therapy during the course of the school day in the Guidance Office. Any questions can be directed to Erin Zimmerman at 724-266-2833, ext. 2223.
Mia Gantz, 11th-12th Grade Counselor
Chelsea Benedict, 9th-10th Grade Counselor