Policy Notice Requirements - Ambridge Area School District

Policy Notice Requirements


Policy Notice Requirements

Below, please find a list of the policies as an annual notification to students, staff, parents/guardians, or all of the above.

Visit the BoardDocs Link to get you to these school policies.  Use the search bar and type in the policy number for review of each policy.

Policies Requiring/Recommending Annual Notice:

  1. Meetings
  2. Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students

103.1. Nondiscrimination – Qualified Students With Disabilities

  1. Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Staff

105.1. Review of Instructional Materials by Parents/Guardians and Students

  1. Special Education
  2. Gifted Education
  3. Interscholastic Athletics

123.1. Concussion Management

123.2. Sudden Cardiac Arrest

  1. Language Instruction Educational Program for English Learners
  2. Migrant Students
  3. Standards for Persistently Dangerous Schools
  4. Standards for Victims of Violent Crimes
  5. Student Services
  6. Enrollment of Students
  7. Immunizations and Communicable Diseases
  8. Attendance
  9. Health Examinations/Screenings

209.1. Food Allergy Management

209.2. Diabetes Management

  1. Medications

210.1. Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

  1. Student Records
  2. Student Discipline

218.1. Weapons

  1. and 323. Tobacco and Vaping Products – Students and Employees
  2. Searches
  3. Student Rights and Responsibilities

235.1. Surveys

  1. Electronic Devices
  2. School Wellness
  3. Hazing
  4. Bullying/Cyberbullying
  5. Student Recruitment
  6. Performance Assessment of Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent
  7. Budget Adoption
  8. District Audit
  9. Local Taxpayer Bill of Rights
  10. Facilities and Workplace Safety

707 Use of School Facilities (Boy Scouts Act)

  1. Integrated Pest Management
  2. Emergency Preparedness and Response
  3. Child Abuse
  4. Food Services

810.2. Transportation – Video/Audio Recording

  1. Naloxone
  2. Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries
  3. Public Attendance at School Events
  4. Public Complaint Procedures
  5. Title I Parent and Family Engagement


Policies Requiring/Recommending Notice:

  1. Comprehensive Planning (plans must be made available for inspection for 28 days)
  2. Curriculum
  3. Adoption of Textbooks
  4. Resource Materials

113.4. Confidentiality of Special Education Student Information

  1. Career and Technical Education
  2. Extracurricular Activities
  3. Assessment System

137.1. Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students

140.1. Extracurricular Participation by Charter/Cyber Charter Students

203.1. and 314.1. HIV Infection – Students and Employees

  1. Graduation

218.2. Terroristic Threats

  1. Student Expression/Distribution and Posting of Materials
  2. Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
  3. Suspension and Expulsion
  4. Homeless Students
  5. Dating Violence
  6. Employment of Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent

309.1. Telework

  1. Working Periods
  2. Professional Development
  3. Family and Medical Leaves
  4. Responsibility for Student Welfare
  5. Drug and Substance Abuse
  6. Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation
  7. Federal Fiscal Compliance
  8. Service Animals in Schools
  9. Public Records
  10. Transportation

810.1. School Bus Drivers and School Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers

810.3. School Vehicle Drivers

  1. Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers and Network Resources
  2. Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response
  3. Conflict of Interest
  4. Breach of Computerized Personal Information
  5. Public Relations Objectives
  6. Volunteers

Safe2Say Something Procedures

Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, the Age Discrimination Act, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act

Several federal statutes protect the rights of beneficiaries not to be discriminated against in programs or activities receiving federal and/or state financial assistance. Specifically, the following statutes prohibit discrimination: Title VI, 34 C.F.R. § 100.6(d) (race, color, ethnicity, and national origin); Title IX, 34 C.F.R. § 106.9 (sex and pregnancy); Section 504, 34 C.F.R. § 104.8 and Title II, 28 C.F.R. § 35.106 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (disability); and the Age Discrimination Act, 34 C.F.R. § 110.25 (age). The Boy Scouts of American Equal Access Act, 34 C.F.R. § 108.9 requires public schools to provide equal access to the use of school property to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

The regulations implementing the above statutes require school districts to notify students, parents, and others that they do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, disability, or age, and that they provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The regulations contain minor differences relating to the required content of the notices and the methods used to publish them.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Notice of Non-Discrimination describes the content requirements of notices under these statutes, including the methods of notification required by Title IX and Section 504, and contains a sample notice of non-discrimination school districts may use to meet the requirements of all of the above statutes. NOTE: The notice must include the name or title and contact information of the coordinators designated to handle complaints under Title IX (34 C.F.R. § 106.8), Section 504 (34 C.F.R. § 104.8), the Americans with Disabilities Act (28 C.F.R. § 35.107), and the Age Discrimination Act (34 C.F.R. § 110.25).

Pursuant to new Title IX regulations effective August 14, 2020, instead of notifying only students and employees of the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information, schools must also notify applicants for admission and employment, parents or legal guardians of elementary and secondary school students, and all unions of the name or title, office address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the Title IX Coordinator. Additionally, schools must prominently display the required contact information for the Title IX Coordinator on their websites.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a school district must give parents of a child with a disability a copy of its procedural safeguards one time per year, and upon initial referral or parental request for an evaluation, the filing of a first request for a due process hearing, a disciplinary action constituting a change in placement, and at the request of a parent. 20 U.S.C. § 1415(d)(1)(a); 34 C.F.R. § 300.504(a). The notice must fully explain the IDEA’s procedural safeguards in an easily understandable manner, and in the native language of the parents unless it is clearly not feasible to do so. 20 U.S.C. § 1415(d)(2); 34 C.F.R. § 300.504(c), (d). Parents may choose to receive the procedural safeguards notice and other notices under the IDEA by email, if the LEA makes this option available. 20 U.S.C. § 1415(n); 34 C.F.R. § 300.505.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Model Form: Procedural Safeguards Notice provides guidance on required content of forms under the IDEA. NOTE: The procedural safeguards notice requirements in the IDEA also apply to parents of homeless children with disabilities. For more information, see Question B-2 in Questions and Answers on Special Education and Homelessness by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The U.S. Department of Education analyzed when and how parents must be notified before “records containing personally identifiable information are destroyed under Part B of IDEA.” The question considered was whether “under 34 C.F.R. § 300.624, a school district must specifically notify parents at the time the district intends to destroy [a student’s] records or whether such notice must be provided at the time the records are no longer needed.” The Department provides a letter that states under the IDEA, parents must be informed when the personally identifiable information is no longer needed to provide services. NOTE: The Department also addresses inquiries concerning the implementation of IDEA Part B procedural safeguards in the current COVID-19 environment in guidance released June 30, 2020.

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Contact Info
  • 901 Duss Avenue
  • 724.266.2833
  • info@ambridge.k12.pa.us