Return to Full-Time In-Person Instruction Survey - Ambridge Area School District

Return to Full-Time In-Person Instruction Survey


During the regular monthly School Board Meeting, held on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, the Ambridge Area Board of Education voted to allow students to have the option to return to school five days a week.  This survey will once again ask you to clarify if you would like your child to receive their education using our full remote learning model or attend their school five days a week.  All students (Pre-K through Grade 12) will have the option to return to school five days per week on Wednesday, March 24, 2021.   Parents will still have the option to remain remote/virtual if they choose not to return to in-person instruction.

We are asking ALL parents and/or guardians to complete the following survey indicating their student’s instructional preference. Please fill out one survey for each student.  The survey will close on Sunday, March 21 at 11:59 PM.   The link to the survey was emailed to all parents.   If you did not receive the link please send an email to and one will be sent to you.

•  If at any point you decide to change your child’s instructional preference, please inform the main office of your school immediately, by phone or email.
High School Main Office:  724-266-2833 x2335
Middle School Main Office:  724-266-2833 x3296
Economy Elementary Main Office:  724-266-2833 x6238
Highland Elementary Main Office:  724-266-2833 x7201
State Street Elementary Main Office:  724-266-2833 x4215

•  Please understand if you choose to send your student 5 days a week, in-person, the district cannot guarantee that students will be 6 feet apart at all times.

•  The District will no longer be doing COVID-19 screenings in the morning.  We ask that you continue to self- monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and take your student’s temperature before sending your student to school.  See symptom guidelines below:
•  Is you student ill with ONE of the following?
Cough, Shortness of breath, Difficulty breathing, or Change in taste or smell
•  Is your student ill with any TWO of the following?
Fever (99.5 degrees or higher), Rigors, Myalgia, Headache, Sore throat, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Congestion, or Runny nose

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Contact Info
  • 901 Duss Avenue
  • 724.266.2833