2021-2022 Athletic Physicals – Ronald McDonald Care Mobile - Ambridge Area School District

2021-2022 Athletic Physicals – Ronald McDonald Care Mobile


To the Ambridge Area School District Athletic Programs:

On Friday, July 30 the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile will be at the Ambridge Area High School parking lot from 10am-2pm!  This will be specifically for AASD Athletic Sports Physicals and any student who needs updated immunizations.  The Care Mobile will be parked in the middle of the Ambridge Area High School parking lot (next to the field).

*Please note, the building itself will be closed since this is on a Friday so there will be no access to the building.

Important Notes:

  • Completed physical packets should be turned into Mrs. Meg Rabold (Athletic Secretary) or Mrs. Amanda Miller (Athletic Trainer).  Mrs. Miller will be present the day of the event as well!
  • Attached to this email is a copy of the Care Mobile Flyer, the three Care Mobile consent forms and a copy of the PIAA Sports Physical Packet.
  • Attached to this email are also two consent forms for the Immunizations.
  • Paper copies of physical packets are still at the front of the high school (on a table next to the security office when you first enter).  Remember, the building will be closed the day of the event, so students must have their packets and consent forms ready ahead of time.

Please use this opportunity to receive your sports physical or immunization!

Thank you AASD Community! 

AASD Athletic Department

Care Mobile Flyer_Ambridge_July30
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Contact Info
  • 901 Duss Avenue
  • 724.266.2833
  • info@ambridge.k12.pa.us