Health and Safety Update 2021-2022 - Ambridge Area School District

Health and Safety Update 2021-2022


July 29, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians:

As the summer winds down, we are working hard to prepare for a successful year of learning. We are looking forward to our students’ return to school on Wednesday, August 18, 2021. Part of our preparations have focused on health and safety planning, which we want to share with you.

At this time, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (“PDE”) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (“DOH”) have advised schools that neither anticipate new orders for the start of the 2021-2022 school year. Their current guidance is to continue to follow recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”).

We have revised our school plan from last year to comply with all required government orders and to reserve other matters for local review to best serve our community’s needs. Instruction will be offered via the traditional five (5) days a week in-person model. Inquiries regarding instruction may be addressed with your building principal.

Unless mandated by PDE or DOH, masks will be optional for students and staff. It is recommended that unvaccinated individuals wear a mask while in our schools, but it is not required. We continue to request that families monitor students for symptoms and to keep students exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms home to prevent further transmission.

Consistent with a January 2021 federal order, face coverings are required on all public transportation, regardless of vaccination status. This specifically includes school buses operated by public and private school systems. Until this federal mandate is lifted, masks are required for all individuals when utilizing or operating our transportation.

We will continue to monitor the Health and Safety Plan, transmission and directives from the previously mentioned authorities throughout the school year. We may need to revise the plan from time to time. If we do, we will communicate quickly using the district website and other tools.

We fully understand that the implementation of certain strategies may not be preferred by all families; however, we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that our students have the opportunities to maximize their education within a safe learning environment at the Ambridge Area School District.

Please enjoy the remainder of the summer. We are excited to start the 2021-2022 school year with you.



Dr. Joseph W. Pasquerilla


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  • 901 Duss Avenue
  • 724.266.2833