COVID-19 Exposure (HS Remote 3/1/21 – 3/3/21) - Ambridge Area School District

COVID-19 Exposure (HS Remote 3/1/21 – 3/3/21)


February 28, 2021

Dear Ambridge Area School District Community:

Tonight, I received confirmation that a fourth individual related to the Ambridge Area High School Girls’ Basketball program tested positive for COVID-19 (in addition to being part of the Girls’ Basketball program, this individual is an employee of State Street Elementary and this is their first case within the 14-day period).  The District has begun contact tracing and continues to monitor the situation.

According to guidance for PreK-12 schools following identification of a case of COVID-19, the following guidance from the PA Department of Education is recommended for medium schools that have 500-900 students.  If a medium sized school has a level of community transmission deemed substantial, they should close for 3-7 days.  Since this is the fourth case at Ambridge Area High School within the 14-day period, all students (including BCCTC students) in the Ambridge Area High School will not attend in person but get their instruction virtually on Monday, March 1st, Tuesday, March 2nd, and Wednesday, March 3rd.  The Ambridge Area High School will return to its hybrid model on Thursday, March 4th.   All other school buildings in the Ambridge Area School District will continue to operate on the approved hybrid schedule for Monday, March 1st, 2021.

The welfare, health and safety of our students, staff and visitors is of the utmost importance to the Ambridge Area School District.  We have developed rigorous guidelines, procured necessary supplies, and held staff trainings to do everything possible to meet this goal.

We continue to ask that all persons accessing District property continue to follow standard COVID-19 safety recommendations, including the following:

1.         Wear a mask at all times
2.         Maintain a distance of six (6) feet from others
3.         Wash and/or sanitize hands often
4.         Stay at home if you have a temperature of 99.5 degrees or higher or are experiencing other symptoms of COVID-19 illness

Please remain vigilant against this public health threat which is circulating in our community.  Together, we can work to prevent the spread of this virus and stand ready to do so.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the District’s actions surrounding COVID-19, feel free to contact:

Dr. Joseph W. Pasquerilla
Superintendent of Schools
Ambridge Area School District

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Contact Info
  • 901 Duss Avenue
  • 724.266.2833