The dashboard below shows the number of positive cases in the 14-day rolling window by building. Please note that the total number of positive cases will be utilized to determine masking by building; however, the Department of Health utilizes symptomatic only positive cases in the building when advising the district to close and go virtual.
The Board of Education passed the following motions at their January 19, 2022 board meeting:
- It is recommended to approve the following COVID mitigation protocol: when 4% of the building’s students and staff test positive within a 14-day rolling window, that building would be required to mask, including guests and indoor sports spectators, with the exception of lunch periods, athletes participating in their sport, and physical education classes. This measure will stay in effect until that building’s positive case numbers fall below 3%.
- It is recommended to approve the creation of a dashboard posted on the district’s website with the number of all positive cases by building in a 14-day rolling window to be updated daily by 3:00 p.m.